Our Lady & St Patricks

A family of faith called to live and share the joy of the Gospel


To the Parish of Our Lady and St Patrick's
with St Mary & St John Southworth (Samlesbury)
in the Roman Catholic Diocese of Salford, England

Outside of St Pat's from cemetery

  Serving Walton-le-Dale, 

near Preston, since 1855


 If you have time and would like to volunteer, please contact by text or by phone-call our Parish Safeguarding Representative:  Bernadette Loffler 0788 4465424.

Please continue to make your Offertory donation to God and our Parish each week. This can be done during the present situation either by putting aside your offering each week and bringing it all to church once life is normalised again or, you might consider setting-up a STANDING ORDER with your bank for a monthly amount. 

You may view and print-off a STANDING ORDER MADATE for either 

St Mary's, Samlesbury  HERE

or St Patrick's, Walton-le-Dale HERE



DAILY MASS & DEVOTIONS ONLINE GO TO:    churchservices.tv

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Year B

A prophet's job is to open people's eyes to the reality of their situation ‑ pointing out to them the things they would rather forget or ignore. A prophet is a sort of “national con­science”, always awake to situations of injus­tice and always speaking out about them. A prophet is commissioned to do this by God, who sends the prophet on his mission Jesus is just such a prophet ‑ teaching and preaching about the Kingdom of God and the best way to live. Despite the welcome his message has received elsewhere, when he comes to his hometown he is faced with rejection ‑such that “he was amazed at their lack of faith.” It is curious is that they seem to accept his wisdom, and his miracles, but because he grew up among them, they cannot accept him as a teacher from God. We should remember that it is often hardest to stand up for the truth among those who know us well.


Fast from anger/irritability and be gentle and patient. 

Fast from pessimism/negativity and be hopeful. 

Fast from worrying and trust in God. 

Fast from complaining and live a calm simple life. 

Fast from pressure and be prayerful. 

Fast from sadness/bitterness and have a happy heart. 

Fast from selfishness and be understanding. 

Fast from non-forgiveness and seek reconciliation. 

Fast from talking and be silent and listen.

  Every effort is made to provide a safe and comfortable environment at Our Lady & St Patrick's church, please note that face- masks/coverings are not required but you are very welcome to wear one if you wish, please also, do all you can personally to keep yourself and those around you safe.

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For more information on
St Mary and St John Southworth,
Samlesbury - click

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  • Preston
  • Lancs
  • PR5 4HD

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